Our Residence Life Team is dedicated to the academic and personal development of our Residents.
In cooperation with the Institution, our vision is to provide meaningful programming and services to reach all of our Residents.
Getting involved in residence is easy, whether you enjoy social activities with your friends, helping others with academics, being a part of the team with joining in athletics and recreation or make changes for everyone in being active in student leadership.
At Saint Paul Residence we have students from across the globe which will allow you to share in different cultures and languages. Residence Life is like nothing you have ever experienced.
The Residence Life Staff will promote a social and supportive community, with a strong emphasis on self growth and development. It will implement quality programming and promote a safe environment with high community standards which reflects our diverse community.

Your resident advisors are here to help you transition into the residence, to plan and implement social programming, to be available to advise students on academic or personal issues and to promote a sense of community within the Residence.

In joining Residence you have the chance to make living on campus what you want and how you want! We have many opportunities and variety of ways in which everyone can join and be part of it all! Outline of all possible opportunities to come. STAY TUNED!!!

Get involved in the Residence Community! Earn some extra money while living in Residence!